About Us

Have you ever wondered, what your PTO is actually doing (besides constantly asking for help and/or donations)? The parent teacher organization is a non-profit organization that relies on
the engagement and membership of volunteers to benefit our school. We also want to create a non-biased forum for interaction, sharing and receiving information that involves our children.The STARS PTO has four main focus areas. These are fundraising events & community building, teacher recognition, and student support.

We hereby would like to encourage all of you that can donate their time, effort, energy, and creativity to better our achievements! If you have more ideas on how to get involved and support our teachers and students through awareness programs, school and family social interaction, workshops, etc., please let us know!

And remember, there are numerous ways how you can help us and our school. You can attend our monthly meetings, send us an email if you have an idea for a fundraiser, bake a cake for the Fall Fest, volunteer at one of our events, ask family and friends to collect Box Tops for STARS, spread the words about our Spirit Nights,… the possibilities are endless.

We welcome and need your input fellow parents!








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